Valueerror When Trying To Convert Strings To Floating Point
I'm having troubles running this program. It tells me I have a ValueError: could not convert string to float The problem is though, that it just skips my input commands and jumps
Solution 1:
This is the desired code. I changed a little bit some indentations are wrong in case of contin() function and some logic. Please refer to this if I am wrong in some place do tell me. Thank you
def calc(num1,chars,num2): #The function performing calculation.
if chars == "+":
result = num1 + num2
print (result)
return result
elif chars == "-":
result = num1 - num2
return result
elif chars == "*":
result = num1 * num2
return result
elif chars == "/":
result = float(num1) / float(num2)
return result
print("Invalid or unsupported operation")
cont = ""
def contin(res):
num1 = res
print("Operate? y/n: ")
cont = raw_input()
if cont == "y":
print(num1) # output is: ought to be:
chars = raw_input() #result result
num2 = float(input())
num1=calc(num1,chars,num2) #result operate y/n
print num1
elif cont == "n":
result = 0
print ("Invalid response.")
num1 = float(input ())
chars = raw_input ()
num2 = float(input ())
result = 0
while num1 > 0 or num2 > 0:
res = calc(num1,chars,num2)
if num1 == 0 and num2 == 0:
print("Zero or undefined.")
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