Where Is The Location Of The Template Files Of Pinax-stripe Package?
Solution 1:
I found what appears to be the correct template files on Github. The easiest way to setup the template would just to be to install the entire package.
First, install pinax-theme-bootstrap using:
pip install pinax-theme-bootstrap
Then, following their instructions online:
Include pinax-theme-bootstrap in your requirements file and include pinax_theme_bootstrap and bootstrapform (which is installed alongside this theme) in your INSTALLED APPS.
Add django.core.context_processors.request and pinax_theme_bootstrap.context_processors.theme to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS to ensure the user selector and site name work correctly.
Make sure both template loaders and staticfiles finders includes app directories.
Site name comes from Sites fixture.
Your site_base.html should extend theme_bootstrap/base.html and should provide footer and nav blocks (the latter should just be a ul of li of a links).
Your pages should have blocks head_title and body and should extend site_base.html.
The url name home should be defined as the homepage.
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